Nele Jacobs is professor of Lifespan Psychology at the Open University. She is also a professor at the department of Psychiatry & Neuropsychology, Maastricht University. Nele has over 20 years of experience with ESM research, mainly in healthy populations. She was (partly) responsible for large-scale ESM twins studies, in collaboration with the East Flemish twinregister. She studies affect, stress reactivity, gratitude in social interactions, as well as snacking behavior and alcohol consumption in daily life. Much of her recent research focuses on studying and stimulating positive mental health throughout the life cycle, with an emphasis on well-being in everyday life.

Peter Kuppens is Professor of Psychology at KULeuven-University of Leuven in Belgium. His research focuses on studying the nature, regulation, and dynamics of emotional experience in daily life and how this relates to psychological well-being and mood disorder. He is a fellow of the Association for Psychological Science and the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.

Harriëtte Riese is appointed as associate professor at the department of psychiatry at the Universitair Medisch Centrum Groningen. As the director of iLab, she facilitates a wide range of clinical research and is currently most challenged by implementing ESM in mental healthcare. She initiated a randomized controlled trail on the added value of ESM to care‐as‐usual in patients diagnosed with depression. She co-initiated the PETRA project to facilitate the development of personalized ESM and feedback in regular treatment sessions (PErsonalized Treatment Real‐time Assessment).

Prof.Dr. Ph.A.E.G. (Philippe) Delespaul is professor of Innovations in Mental Health Care at the Maastricht University and Mondriaan. He has a focus on user experience and severe mental health patients and their caretakers. He is a pioneer (since 1983) in the Experience Sampling Method (also called Ecological Momentary Assessment), which he adapted to mental health and psychopathology. He developed the PsyMate™ Suite, a software packet that reduces ESM logistics and data collection and discloses the results for shared decision making in clinical practice.

Claudia Simons is a senior researcher at GGzE and is affiliated with the Department of Psychiatry & Neuropsychology, School of Mental Health and Neuroscience, Maastricht University. Her ESM research focuses on trans-diagnostic processes that play a role in the development and course of psychotic and depressive symptoms and factors that promote mental resilience. She is also investigating the translation to ESM as an eHealth tool for diagnosis and treatment and its clinical implementation within mental health care.

Inez Myin-Germeys is psychologist by training and professor of Contextual Psychiatry at the Center for Contextual Psychiatry in KU Leuven. Since the start of her PhD in 1996, Inez has been working with the Experience Sampling Method. She started with using ESM mainly for improving our understanding of the phenomenology and psychological processes associated with psychosis. Now, the CCP is working on different aspects of ESM, such as improving the methodology and statistics of ESM, investigating psychological processes related to psychopathology, the clinical implementation of ESM and the development of new Ecological Momentary Interventions. She has published over 350 papers, amongst them several influential papers on the Experience Sampling Methodology.

Dr. Eeske van Roekel is Assistant Professor at the department of Developmental Psychology at Tilburg University. She received her PhD in 2014 from the Radboud University Nijmegen, where she examined loneliness in the daily lives of adolescents. Her current research can be summarized in three related research lines: (1) emotional reactivity and emotion regulation (e.g., how do people respond to daily life experiences and how do they regulate their emotional responses), (2) improving Experience Sampling research (e.g., developing guidelines and best practices, improving measurement), and (3) personalized Experience Sampling interventions to improve mental health and well-being. In her research she focuses on what can go wrong (e.g., relations with internalizing problems) but also on how people can thrive (i.e., positive emotions, positive emotion regulation).

Dr. Hanneke Wigman (J.T.W. Wigman) is assistant professor at the Department of Psychiatry at the University Medical Center Groningen. Her research interests focus on the development of psychopathology, in particular psychosis. She investigates how patterns of interactions between experiences of psychopathology, well-being and factors of risk and resilience may predict progression or remission of illness severity. She is PI of the Mapping Individual Routes of Risk and Resilience (Mirorr) study, an in-depth diary study in individuals at different levels of risk for psychosis.

Dr. Joran Jongerling is Assistant Professor at the department of Methodology & Statistics at Tilburg University. He received his PhD in 2016 from Utrecht University, where he studied methods to model inter-individual differences in intra-individual variability. His current research is on (1) measurement (invariance) in Intensive Longitudinal Analysis, (2) non-linear relations in Intensive Longitudinal Data, and (3) methodological and analytical innovations for Intensive Longitudinal Data. In his research, he focuses on Bayesian Statistics, Hierarchical Modeling, Dynamic Factor Models, Gaussian Processes, and (Vector) Autoregressive Models.

Dr. Olivia Kirtley is an Assistant Research Professor at the Center for Contextual Psychiatry (CCP), KU Leuven. Her research uses ESM to investigate dynamic processes involved in suicidal thoughts and behaviours among young adults, with a focus on social processes, future thinking, and exposure to suicidal behaviour. As well as research on suicide and self-harm, she also co-leads the CCP research line on ESM methodology, statistics, and meta-science, where she is working to increase transparency and reproducibility in clinical psychology and ESM research, including by co-designing the pre-registration template for experience sampling studies and leading the Experience Sampling Method Item Repository (www.esmitemrepository.com). Olivia is also an Open Science Advisor and Consulting Editor for Clinical Psychological Science, Associate Editor for Archives of Suicide Research, and an editorial board member for the journals Crisis and Infant and Child Development.

Loes Keijsers is professor clinical child and family studies at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Her work focuses on understanding and improving youth mental health. She uses Experience Sampling and daily diary methods to assess how parents and social media affect youth well-being in everyday life. Being among the first to use intensive longitudinal methods for questions like these, she has discovered that social influences that promote well-being in one child, may have adverse effects in another. In her application of ESM, Loes is keen to improve the so-called user experience, for instance through gamification. She also supports statisticians in developing better analytical methods. To promote youth well-being, she has also developed a gamified multiplayer eHealth app (Grow it!), together with game-designers, psychiatrists, data-scientists and youth. Experience Sampling is one of the working mechanisms in this application.